Monday, February 2, 2015

My daily life..... Cambodia.

Many of you ask what a day is like for me in Cambodia. I will try to give you a glimps of it here.
7:00 am alarm goes off. I will not tell you if I get up right away or not. But none the less the day begins. 8 am finds me drinking coffee and going over the children's school lessons for the day. After the children are done eating breakfast, we try to begin school at 8:30. Between teaching, switching out laundry, washing up breakfast dishes, ect.  We try to finish up school by 11:00 am.  We normally eat Lunch at 11:30 of leftovers from the night befores dinner or a cold meat sandwich and some fresh fruit.  Clean up lunch and finish school if we didn't quite finish it yet. Usually just flash cards need to be practiced. Or spelling words finished. Then it's time to think of what to make for dinner. And send John to the grocery store for anything we might need for dinner.  And do some house work of cleaning, baking or putting away laundry. If I have time I may do my homework, but that usually don't get done. My tutor comes at 2:00 and I'm in class till around 4:00 and then John is in class from 4-6:00. While he is in class I do house work that needs to be done and make dinner and take care of the children. After dinner there is often something going on, such as team meetings and If not then, we go to get our main groceries we need. Or we spend the evening as a family. By 9:00 the children are crawling into bed and this is where I get a few moments of time with John or just to myself. But all you mothers know how that really goes. You pickup the toys that were left out, and put the dishes away, sweep up the crumbs from under the table, finish putting away the laundry, think about answering emails or Facebook messages, and think about looking at the childrens lesson for the next day, think about doing my language study homework, think about going to bed and see it's nearly 11:00 pm and decied that the later thought is the best choice. So I fall exhausted into bed and repeat it all again the next day.
Note: throw in a few other things through out the days such as the neighbor kids coming up to play, or the next door lady stopping in to chat. Or someone from the team stopping in to visit and encourage me. Or just to bring me a coffee. Or one of my own children feeling neglected from our busy life.
All in all, yes, my life is crazy busy! But I do know I can not do any of this on my own strength, it all comes from God. So thank you each and everyone of you who pray and encourage me throughout my days. Your prayers and encouraging words mean more then you even know.
I also must say I love my family, I love Cambodia, but I can't  truethfully say I love the challenges that come with it, but I do know that I want to be, a better person, a person who is stronger and rutted deeper in the Lord so I will embrace life and take it as God brings it to me.