Monday, June 15, 2015

1 year..

                                             One year in Cambodia.
It is quite hard to believe we have been in Cambodia for one year. It has been a hard year, But a good  year of growth in Christ. I would not have guessed we would experience the things we did over the last year. We were told it would not be easy, But knowing that does not make it easier.   God has been faithful through it all. And we have been learning to lean on the comforts of God. Knowing hard times mean growth in Him.

Life has changed a lot for us over the past year since arriving to Cambodia.
We knew NO Khmer, and try getting around a city was difficult and expensive when all the locals think your wealthy and can pay outrageous prices for anything. Needless to say I know we paid extra many times. Now that we know a bit more of the language, I sit back and listen to what the locals price is before making my purchase. With that being said, foreigners  always pay a bit more then the locals. 

Learning the Language has been very hard, But I feel it is starting to pay off.  Our Tutor is a experienced teacher of 11 years and he has tutored for the past 20 years, currently he is a full time translator at a Bible college.

Colossians 1:10
“That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.”