Monday, July 27, 2015

Life moves on.......rapidly

This past month has gone by so fast. But it has brought a lot of change to our home.
We've switched up our language studies again, since our nanny has arrived. John and I now have class together, Yes he is way more advanced in Khmer then I am. But I'm trying to catch up! Now that we  have someone care for the children and We have a house helper that comes every morning for a few hours and cleans and makes us lunch! I feel way less "busy". It is such a huge blessing to have both of these ladies in our home.
Next month Rachel will start teaching kindergarten and first grade with the children.  And I will continue studying language. I have mixed feelings about not teaching the children this year. I really enjoyed teaching them this past year. But I have full confidence that they have and amazing teacher.

Soknah (our househelper) and her daughter SM with JC.

Our wonderful Nanny with the kids,
she loves to bake and the kids love to help her.

Our beautiful daughter with one
of many packages we have been blessed with!
Thank you for everyone who has Blessed us in this way!

This boy LOVES hamburgers.
 this was a special afternoon snack.

 Reflecting back over the last few months, I am excited at how God is working and changing me.
Some months I see, how God has worked in big ways, and other months smaller ways.
When we look back and don't see growth in our lives, We need to be alarmed! We need to allow God to change us daily. We need to be growing in him daily. I love seeing how God has and will continue to change me and others in life. It saddens me when I see Christians that don't have productive fruit. That life is all about me, and what I am doing, or can do in life. Please join me in praying for each other, I challenge each one of you  reading this. Choose a friend or 2  whom you see struggling and commit to praying for them daily. Pray that God will be very real in their life.  And watch how God can and will work.

Psalms 37:4 
Delight thyself in the Lord, 
and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.