Saturday, March 5, 2016

“Many are the plans in a man’s heart,
 but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”
– Proverbs 19:21

This Bible verse has become very real to me the last few months,
As some of you may already know, we are leaving Cambodia to head back to Canada. 
not at all what we thought was our future at  this point of our lives. But God has made it clear to us that it would be best to go home to have the baby this summer.  We did not feel comfortable with the healthcare system here in Asia, due to the fact of previous complications with our other pregnancies.
God does have a plan and purpose  for everything and we want to trust and follow his leading in our lives.  
We are excited to see family and friends back in Canada. But know we will feel sad to be leaving Cambodia and our dear Khmer friends. Not knowing if God will call us back to Cambodia in the future after the baby is born. 
Yes they are very excited and we feel so blessed! 

Please continue to pray for us as we pack and say goodbyes over the next week.Our flight leaves Cambodia at 12:15 am on March 15. We are to arrive in Canada 1:40 pm  on March 15. It looks like a short flight, but believe me its not! :)  There is a 14 hour time difference, from Cambodia to where we are going in Canada.

Until next time...... the Whitman family.