Thursday, February 6, 2014

the Interview.

We interviewed the kids about there life.


Do you like living at EBI? Yes

What do you like about living here? the friends and sleeping.

If you could live somewhere else where would it be? I don't know.

Whats you favorite part of the day? Eating and when B pulled the fire alarm.

Who is your favorite friend?  Cherish 

Why is she your favorite friend? Cause she likes to play with me and I love her hair.

Tell me something about you. I love horses and watching movies.

Is life dull or exciting?  exciting

Do you like to brush your teeth? Yes

How many new friends do you have? sixty pounds of friends! 

Are you exited to be five next month?  No I decided I'm turning seven

Whats your favorite piece of mail? the princess doll. 


Do you like living at EBI? No

Why do you not like living here? Cause I want to live somewhere else.

Where would you want to live? in Cambodia.

Whats your favorite part of the day? reading books, playing puzzles and living.

Tell me something about you. I love smiley faces and little giraffe. 

Is life dull or exciting? exciting

Do you like brushing your teeth? no Why not? Cause I don't! 

How many new friends do you have? LOTS!!!

Do you like being three?  Yes  Why? Cause I love it.

Did you like having a birthday?  Yes, with presents.

What was your favorite piece of mail? getting a new toy truck and my singing snail card.



It's crazy how fast time is going. Our baby turned 3 the end of January. I had ever intention of blogging about his special  day when the memories were fresh in my mind.
The night before his birthday he was laying in bed practicing holding up 3 fingers. 
the next morning he came bouncing out of his bed saying  I'm three, I'm three!

John took him to wal-mart to pick out his birthday cake. and he chose carrot cake because of the carrots on the top. They also brought candles back that relight (three year old's can't read yet. lol.) after you blew them out. Needless to say the top of the cake was moist by the time the candles were removed from the cake.

B has been begging for legos since Christmas. I am looking forward to many quite hours of him playing legos in the coming years.
Some thing about turning three makes him feel like a big boy.  We have been using it to our advantage too. :)