Thursday, February 6, 2014


It's crazy how fast time is going. Our baby turned 3 the end of January. I had ever intention of blogging about his special  day when the memories were fresh in my mind.
The night before his birthday he was laying in bed practicing holding up 3 fingers. 
the next morning he came bouncing out of his bed saying  I'm three, I'm three!

John took him to wal-mart to pick out his birthday cake. and he chose carrot cake because of the carrots on the top. They also brought candles back that relight (three year old's can't read yet. lol.) after you blew them out. Needless to say the top of the cake was moist by the time the candles were removed from the cake.

B has been begging for legos since Christmas. I am looking forward to many quite hours of him playing legos in the coming years.
Some thing about turning three makes him feel like a big boy.  We have been using it to our advantage too. :)

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