Friday, January 10, 2014

Life in our world...

Not sure where to start with this post so much has happened since last posting.
November was spent getting lots of things organized and finishing up a lot of different things before the packing and moving began.
Tim Horton treat. 
We ate Subway more times
 then I care to remember. 
December started off with  packing up the house. we started in the basement and and worked our way up stairs. Not sure how many Labels and rolls of packing tape we went through.
December 20,2013 was Johns last day of employment with the job he had for the last (almost) 6 years.


Last pictures in their empty rooms

 The next few days was very busy with the final move and cleaning the house.

Traveling.... they spent many hours in their car-seats.

  We left Alberta December 27, spent 6 days in Manitoba. Which 3 of them days one of us had the flu bug.
Two o'clock on Friday afternoon of January 3, 2014 we left for Elnora Indiana to attend EBI for 2 terms. We had awful weather pretty much the whole way. But Praise The Lord we  made it safe. Not to sure if all our nerves arrived along with us.

The Children are still trying to adjust to life. B told me the other night, "mom lets just go home". 
The work load for John seems quite heavy with all the class assignments that need to  be done. Pray for peace and understanding on how to manage time. And for comprehension on studies. 

          We are excited to be here in Elnora taking some time out, to study God's word. To see how we can use this time, to be better prepared for what He is calling us to. 
              Blessing to all, The Whitman Family

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