Sunday, August 31, 2014

August, 2014

Only thing left of August is memories. My how time is speeding by.  We have already been In Cambodia for 2 and a half months. We have been studying to speak the language for 2 months and are planning to begin reading and writing now in September. It all seems to be moving along so fast, I feel I need to slow down and review the many things we have learned already.
Steph our nanny, arrived in the middle of August, She has been a huge help to us already. The  kids Love her.
The Kids with their Nanny leaving the airport,
talking non-stop about everything.

JC is starting into her 4th week of Kindergarten. She loves school and so far is an easy learner. B. loves to do school too. He is working on writing his name, And learning the correct sounds for the letters of the alphabet.

Enjoying school.
Counting is fun. 
The boy's all ready for a ride.
                                           We bought 2 bikes and have been exploring the city. 
                                       The kids love to ride whenever they get a  chance. 

My cute little passenger makes riding bike fun.
She adds a lot of humor to riding around the city.
if you want to hear some stories just ask us. :)

It is the rainy season here, but we have not had a lot of rain, We did get a few downpours in the city this month, but not like we have heard that some of the country in the surrounding provinces have had bad flooding. Please pray for them as they try to rebuild their lives again. But most of all that they will see their need for Christ, and search him out.
A view looking out the kids school room as the storm rolls into the city.
It was amazing to watch the clouds show beauty in their color.

This month JC was sick for over  a week, We are not positive what she had as we did not get her tested. But Dengue Fever is high on the list with her symptoms. But Only God knows what she had for sure.
She was very, very sick. There were days she would not even get out of bed. We forced liquid into her with syringes.  She still has pain in her side, it comes randomly and makes her lay down and then it leaves.  But we are thankful to God for bring her health back. It is great to have our happy, little girl back. She fills our home  much joy and laughter.

Goodbyes.... June 2014 Part II

Another late post from June, I had every good intention to post before we left for Asia.

The past while we have been busy saying a lot of goodbyes.

                                                             B telling Auntie stories.
                                              Boy Cousins playing with the dog.
                                                     B with his oldest cousin.
                                                                  JC with her cousin.
                                           A picture with  Mom and some of the sisters.  (3 are missing)
                                 B and his Auntie, Who spoils him rotten. He's gonna  miss her like crazy!
                                    These 3 have spent many hours together playing the last few weeks.

June 2014 post. Part I

I know these are very out of place.
 But....I found a couple draft post I never finished from the beginning of June. Back In Canada. Figured I might as well post them. A lot of my postings is so we can look back on the happenings in our life and remember forgotten memories.
The end of May beginning of June we took a  short family trip In between sharing in Churches about the vision of the Cambodia team.
We spent some time in Missoula MT and Sandpoint Idaho, We drank in the beauty of the mountains, lakes, trees, green grass, wild life, shopping malls, and coffee shops.

JC riding a moose.  ok she is just sitting on it. 

B on the moose.

Myself and my 2 lovely Children. 

My Sweet little girl.

Mr. Handsome himself.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Home at last.

A little glimpse into our life the last while. We moved into our new home on July 18, 2014. We have lived out of suitcases since December 20th 2013. ( we still are living out of our bags, we need to find storage drawers for our clothes yet.) It feels so good to be HOME!  We are so thankful to God for directing us to this place. We have wonderful Landlords who can speak English. And are very friendly and helpful when we have questions. 
We also still have our housekeeper for 2 more weeks. She has helped us a lot in getting things for our house and directing us on where the markets and good places to buy things. 
Also we are very excited our Kids wonderful Nanny is arriving the middle of this month.  

                             My 3 favorite people in the whole wide world... Cooling down with ice-pops.                                        

These  Elephants are in the lobby at the hotel where we attend church the last few Sundays. The Kids absolutely love them. This morning they were not squirting the water like normal. They were a bit concerned they were broken. After church they were working again.

We Received our very first piece of mail when we moved to our new home. On July 18, 2014.
For those of you that have lived or live overseas. You know the joy of receiving mail!


One day in July we just took the whole day to spend time with the kids. (They were feeling very neglected with all the moving and changes of life.) We took them to and air conditioned mall where they had a kids play place.They spent 4.5 hours playing and making new friends. B was so tired when we left. He also kept saying he was super hungry. for those of you that know him well, that's a famous saying of his.:) 

JC earned her purple Bible she picked out last March. She had a nail biting problem, But she worked really hard, with her little brothers help. They both received there very first Bible. Every Evening JC asks her Dad to read something from her Bible to her. Her favorite passage right now is Philippians. (she thinks its a funny name.)

JC can't wait till she can read, she loves to look at books and pretend to read to her brother.
They very often play school together, With JC as the teacher and B as the student. Some times the parents get roped into being students too.

 For my Birthday, We walked to Lucky's supermarket to get a few groceries and we had Ice cream at a little ice cream shop in the mall. It was a special treat to enjoy some cold creamy ice cream.
My family also let me sleep in a bit and had donuts for breakfast, (I think the kids enjoyed the treat the most.) They also bought me some beautiful nice smelling flowers. I never did one lick of homework all day! It was a relaxing day.

Until Next time....... The Whitman Family.