Saturday, March 28, 2015

Finally a blog post...

If you come here looking for a new post. You will be happily surprised this time.
Sorry about all the other times you came and found nothing new. I just have not spent much time blogging  or on the computer much. Hopefully the end of April Jasmyne will be finished Kindergarten. Any of you mothers who homeschool will know how much time teaching takes. I have enjoyed teaching my children, It is will a bit of sadness that I will turn the responsibilities over to our Nanny for the following school year. But I know this will be best and I am looking forward to being able to put more time into learning the Khmer language.

In other news both of the kids had Birthdays since I last updated this blog.

Mr. B turned 4 January 28.

Chase Cake from Paw patrol.
He talked of his cake for weeks.

A gift send all the way from America. 

Mr.B shares his Birthday with our sweet neighbor friend.

                                                    Miss JC turned 6 years old on March 18 

                                                         Flowers from her favorite boys,


                                          The princess cake,,,,,, She LOVES purple.

The silly princess herself. 

I also had the privilage of going out to a province with a friend. It was great to get out and I really enjoyed my time with her little ministry. I presented a short Bible talk, No i did not speak Khmer, There was a translator. My friend taught the children on the importance of hydrating their bodies. 

A few of us ladies took our Motos out one saturday afternoon.

I will close with a few random photos, 
The kids with Alyssa,

At a Market one day.
We also celebrated our 9th Wedding anniversary. February 25.   


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